Happy Birthday Nom Goals!

Happy Birthday Nom Goals!

Happy 1st birthday to my tiny corner of the internet.

To celebrate my blog’s birthday I made these chocolate cake pops from Sally’s Baking Addiction

One year of blogging. One year since my first post and opening myself up to the wonderful blog and social media community that is nutrition and registered dietitians and fellow RD2be’s.

My first post a year ago was a list of food goals that I set for myself. Let’s recap what goals I accomplished and see if there’s anything to add to the list.

Made good biscuits. Yes! I baked really good biscuits in the last year. Crispy on the outside, buttery and flaky on the inside. But to be fair I think I just used a really solid recipe this time. It was this recipe from Sally’s Baking Addiction which you already know is my absolute favorite baking blog.

Visit New Orleans and eat a beignet. Not yet but I have plans to go in April and I am SO excited. And you know the first stop I’ll be making. Making plans to go there and booking a flight basically counts as a win. I’ll be going for this lovely lady’s bachelorette party.

Make homemade pasta. I accomplished like…half of this one. I still haven’t made traditional flour-based pasta but I did make gnocchi, a potato-based pasta. It was this pumpkin gnocchi and it was surprisingly easy and definitely something I’ll make again. Making traditional pasta is still on the list. I’ve been keeping my eyes on the Southern Season class posting to see if there’s a pasta making class that I can get to.

Slicing the gnocchi.
Here is the final product with a sage buttah sauce, parmesan cheese, and some veggies on the side.

I did a lot of new food-related things that weren’t on my list too. I gave beets another shot because Tommy really likes them. I roasted  them until tender, covered them in balsamic vinegar, and even topped them with incredible goat cheese. But it’s still a no from me.

Tommy and I visited NYC and went to Levain Bakery – a bakery home to giant pillow-sized, soft cookies.

I realized I really love tuna when it’s prepared rare and crusted in a delicious seasoned crust. I have our honeymoon in Beaufort, NC to thank for that experience.  I still can’t get behind canned tuna which is weird because I’ve prepared canned salmon that I enjoy. *Shrug* you figure it out.

Tuna tacos at a seaside restaurant in Beaufort.

In true nom goals fashion, here is a random list of more baking goals/things I want to bake:

It’s been an incredible year learning in and out of school, growing, and low key trying to practice what makes a good-looking food photo. I’m excited to keep blogging and connecting with readers and other nutrition professionals in this space.

Thanks for following along!